:: Episode 25: Return of the Shu-chan
   Hitotsu Katte (One Win And...)


That gorgeous dramatic music that annoyingly enough ISN'T on the official soundtrack plays in the background as we get a much needed Mihoshi flashback! Actually, Mihashi and Kano are the only ones present. Kano asks Mihashi about his plans to leave, and tells him that he must not quit playing baseball! He must definitely enter the new school's baseball team; it's not going to be like it has been until now!
Back to the present, Mihashi lies in bed and angsts about not having changed since his Mihoshi days, since he refused to leave the mound during the Tosei match and all.

THE NEXT DAY!! Abe meets Izumi and Tajima at school and starts obsessively asking them all kinds of stuff about Mihashi, who's home being sick today. They're going over to his house for curry later on, but first, they're off to watch Hamada play basketball! Izumi and Tajima cheer foolishly while Abe goes into deep thought about Mihashi. He didn't answer the message he sent him yesterday. Does Mihashi HATE Abe? Say it isn't so!!
Back to the Mihashi residence, Mihashi lies around in his bed and does a message exchange with Ruri when suddenly he gets a message from ABE!! The message says that Abe and Hanai will be coming over, so he'd better prepare himself. Abe and Hanai arrive with Tajima and Izumi only seconds later, and Abe immediately starts his usual nagging.

SO, the gang sits down and starts eating! Hanai brought with him a DVD of yesterday's events, so they watch it, and we get to know that Musashino won their match too. They all casually talk about stuff when Mihashi suddenly breaks down into pathetic little tears! He apologizes for not switching out with Oki or Hanai yesterday, and Abe tells him it was all a clever lie in order to fire him up. The battery talks and makes up, Abe explodes, and everything is back to normal! That's when Izumi pulls out a love letter written for Mihashi, by his teammates! In it, they praise Mihashi for being such a swell pitcher. Izumi and Hanai assure Mihashi that this is all normal and that they aren't particularly nice people or anything... UM?! Who exactly are they trying to fool here? EVERYONE can tell that Nishiura is made out of love and peace!
EITHER WAY, Tajima and Mihashi agree to meet up later and stuff, and Mihashi suddenly wants to talk to Kano. Speaking of which, he gets a message right then! And it's from KANO! He simply tells Mihashi that he won, and Mihashi replies that he won, too! He won together with everyone! Thank you, Shu-chan! We get a quick scene change to Mihoshi, where Kano seems rather taken aback by his silly nickname, then starts going all Electrode-y, happy that his relationship with his chum Ren is once again becoming like it was back when they were kids.
We get to watch Mihashi doze off for a few seconds, and not counting the special DVD-only episode, that's the end of the Ookiku Furikabutte cartoon as we know it! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! We'll get a second season, right? I need me some animated Sakitama RIGHT NOW!!

Best parts

  • Abe and Tajima's stupid little fight.
  • Mihashi getting all panicky after getting Abe's message, I can relate so bad.
  • That way Tajima SKIPPED when he followed Mihashi into the kitchen!
  • Abe going ballistic, good times, good times.
  • Hanai dorkily doing that "LOOKS DELICIOUS!!" thing Shiga taught them.
  • The Nishiura loveletter! AWW THAT'S OUR NISHIURA.
  • The last part with Kano and Hatake 'cause Kano and Hatake are totally rad and we finally got to see them animated in an episode by the best Oofuri art supervisor! YOU KNOW, if Kano were a Pokemon, he'd SO be an Electrode! He grins like one and he has a tendency to explode, so there you go.

    Redrawn scenes

    This is another Aya Kano episode! I JUMP FOR JOY!



    Part two... I... can't go on...

    Wait, yes I can. Here's Ruri!

    Izumi's pupils widened, and he looked off to the side.

    Tajima closed his eyes like some kind of smartass.

    Random redrawn lady!

    Sakaeguchi's love letter shot changed.

    As did Tajima's!

    Let's add some dramatic sun effects.

    The last Mihoshi scene animation was slightly different - on TV, the camera moved DOWN from the sky to the ground, while it moved UP on the DVD.

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