:: Episode 206: SAWA IS SO COO-UHL
   Daiji (Important)


Today's episode begins with TAI-SAN AND SAWA!!! They are running for their LIVES trying to reach the train, and they make it! And guess what? It turns out that it was a a DIFFERENT train that was just about to leave! HAR HAR HAR!!! But wait! Sawa prods Tai-san, and he turns around to come face to face with NISHIURA!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Oyama lamely tries to start a conversation to make things less awkward, and the teams agree on having a practice match sometime in the far future.
Daichi strolls over to Mihashi and LOOMS over him, asking him to please battle it out with him next time in THE gruffest manliest voice ever. You can all imagine how Mihashi reacts to THAT, but thankfully for him, SAWA arrives on the scene and shoves Daichi off.
And so, just like that, the Sakitama arc ends. H-how will I be able to go on???

Eh, I'll figure something out. Abe and Mihashi proceed to have a talk, Abe trying his best to assure Mihashi that they didn't walk Daichi because of any potential problems with Mihashi and his pitching, and that even if the pitcher were someone awesome like HARUNA or KANO, he'd have done the same thing.
Elsewhere, the news of Nishiura's victory spreads to the cheering squad. The ditzy girls have a chat with their dance club senior, and some of Hamada's dark past is revealed through it! Turns out that the REAL reason for his being held back a year was family troubles that caused Hamada to have to work and miss out on a lot of classes. He also lives ALONE!
Back with the Nishiuralings! They're practicing and doing little health checks and preparations for their fourth match against a team that is apparently even more losery than Sakitama. Tajima's injury is almost fully healed and everything. He has a little talk to Mihashi about pitching and stuff, and Mihashi says it's okay because Abe will aaaalways be there for him. Always? Always! Always? REALLY OBVIOUS FORESHADOWING!?
NEW CHARACTER ALERT!!!! We focus our attentions on BIJO DAI SAYAMA, a team Nishiura may or may not face later in the tournament, and are introduced to Takii, Roka's fellow coach with a ridiculous hairstyle. He is enthusiastically running together with the players, and Roka looks on in dismay (so that's where Rio is getting it from).

THE NEXT MORNING!! Abe nags some more and is pleased to discover that Mihashi's weight has gone up a bit. Listening to it all, Tajima decides that there's no way he'd ever want to be a pitcher. With ABE as the catcher, who WOULD, though!? Except Mihashi... who at this moment asks Abe if he's going to quit being a catcher. Abe explodes. Seems like he ISN'T quitting.
Meanwhile, SOMEONE is having a dramatic baseball-related nightmare! It's ROKA! He wakes up to a palm heading RIGHT for his face, and he responds by going all martial arts on the person. Who turns out to be Takii who was just trying to wake Roka up from his horrible nightmare. They proceed to have a pleasant-ish talk before Roka strolls off and introduces us to one of the Bijo players, Takeshi. Seems like he and Roka have a secret...
Some time later, we rejoin Nishiura as they arrive at the stadium where both their AND Bijo's matches will take place. Nishiura gossips a bit about Bijo and their 20 year old coach and three pitchers, and it is revealed that Momoe is 23.
And so, Bijo wins their match, the dorky cheering squad readies themselves, and Nishiura's match begins!


That's right, I'm making a temporary extra paragraph JUST for this episode because there were SEVERAL things I was unhappy with.

  • In the train scene, WHERE'S ICHIHARA?? He was CLEARLY there in the background in the comic, but the cartoon version just LEFT HIM OUT!
  • There was a scene in the comic with Roka and Takii being ridiculous that they skipped completely!
  • There was another scene in the comic where Sakaeguchi met up with a dorky friend that they ALSO skipped completely!!

    Best parts

  • Ichihara or no Ichihara, the train scene was still awesome because Tai-san was being SO precious and Sawa was being SO awesome.
  • Roka's ridiculously dramatic baseball-related nightmare.
  • I liked all the little scenes with Takii because he's fun. Yay!

    Redrawn scenes

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