:: Episode 05: The Great Mihoshi Civil War
   Te o Nukuna (Don't Ease Up)


This episode begins with Shinooka giving us a quick recap of the happenings so far! Which... isn't that much, really. Oda kindly tells the viewers at home about Kano's obsessive nature, having a random bath scene flashback in the process for absolutely no reason. UM!! Either way, it's Mihashi's turn to bat! He fails at hitting anything, and Abe notices that Mihashi admires Kano. It does not make him a happy Abe.

Mihashi's turn to throw again! Kano's batting, and Abe absorbs every little detail about his habits. Kano eventually hits the ball and makes a run for it, dramatically diving for the base, but getting an out anyway... Hatake runs over and tells him not to overdo it since it's only a practice match after all, and Kano goes all "ROAR." Mihashi observes, and seems weirded out by their quarrel.

Kano is feeling REALLY worked up! He completely screws up his pitching, sending Oki (I think it was) on base. Abe sends him off to second, and Tajima brings him home! Mihashi feels bad for Kano, which is something Abe does not approve of. And if it wasn't ENOUGH, Hanai manages to send Tajima home as well, giving Nishiura two points. Oh wow! Kano is NOT happy, and screws up his pitching again thanks to his current rabid state.

Time-out for Mihoshi! There's a lot of ranting and screaming in each other's faces, and in the end, Kano finally seems to make his team realize ever-so-slightly that Mihashi has talent after all, hurting poor widdle Hatake's feelings in the process. Kano apologizes, his teammates decide to start taking things seriously, and everyone is happy!
Meanwhile, Mihashi looks longingly over at his old team. Abe realizes something... does Mihashi seriously want to make up with Mihoshi and rejoin them? He simply CANNOT let that happen! Mihashi is ABE'S pitcher and only Abe's! Yep, Abe will do everything in his power to make Mihashi pick him over his former rabid teammates.

Best parts

  • Shinooka talking to Ai-chan, she's sooo cuuute.
  • Hatake: "Whoa Kano, calm the fudge down.", Kano: "How about you start playing seriously instead?", Hatake: "D:!!"
  • The Mihoshi civil war was AWESOME. See how heartwarming Mihoshi can be? SEE??
  • Kano apologizing to Hatake. DAWW!
  • Whoa. Abe's starting to become REALLY obsessed with Mihashi here!

    Redrawn scenes

    They made Shinooka look less... dopey?

    Abe kind of looked like he was SNORTING in the original.

    Ranting Kano was changed a little.

    Um... yay!

    I'm trying REALLY hard not to laugh here! And not just at her face, LOOK AT HER HAND.

    Just 'nother redrawn Mihashi. He got a haircut!

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